Sunday, April 11, 2010

Shed Construction Day 3



Sky View
Inside View


Friday, April 9, 2010

While we wait...

for the seeds to germinate more lets take a tour of the yard before we started doing anything in the yard.
When you walk into our little yard the first thing you will see is our Chimmenea, this area was created about 6 years ago, as our first large yard project. The tan large grasses are our natural barrier to outside eyes and our natural kindle for the fires pits we have.

If you were to take a left you will see the original raised bed and barbecue area.

As you continue forward towards the back of the garage you will see fire area #2 as well as the more private section of our yard.
There you see the original raised bed that was put there about 9 years ago.

The picture below is the view of the other side of the house, this is the area where we play outside games and break the neighbors windows :)There is also a front yard and the other side of the house but I have neglected to take pictures of it but it is still too cold to be out there that long.
The seedlings are getting bigger, and I couldn't be more happy, but the true happenings will be going on later today... wish me luck!

Let the Growing Begin

We have received the seeds!!!!! I didn't take pictures but we planted them about 1 week ago. Here is what they look like now. Unfortunately I took these picture with my cell phone so they are not super clear sorry....

Pretty much of them are now little cute stems you can really tell what kind of plant they are based on their look it is absolutely amazing.

More Pictures soon to come as they start to get bigger!