Sunday, April 11, 2010

Shed Construction Day 3



Sky View
Inside View


Friday, April 9, 2010

While we wait...

for the seeds to germinate more lets take a tour of the yard before we started doing anything in the yard.
When you walk into our little yard the first thing you will see is our Chimmenea, this area was created about 6 years ago, as our first large yard project. The tan large grasses are our natural barrier to outside eyes and our natural kindle for the fires pits we have.

If you were to take a left you will see the original raised bed and barbecue area.

As you continue forward towards the back of the garage you will see fire area #2 as well as the more private section of our yard.
There you see the original raised bed that was put there about 9 years ago.

The picture below is the view of the other side of the house, this is the area where we play outside games and break the neighbors windows :)There is also a front yard and the other side of the house but I have neglected to take pictures of it but it is still too cold to be out there that long.
The seedlings are getting bigger, and I couldn't be more happy, but the true happenings will be going on later today... wish me luck!

Let the Growing Begin

We have received the seeds!!!!! I didn't take pictures but we planted them about 1 week ago. Here is what they look like now. Unfortunately I took these picture with my cell phone so they are not super clear sorry....

Pretty much of them are now little cute stems you can really tell what kind of plant they are based on their look it is absolutely amazing.

More Pictures soon to come as they start to get bigger!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bring on the Seeds

In december, we had been actively reading and checking out different websites for our new garden adventure. In order to ensure that we were making the right decsions, we took our time and tried to plan out as much as we could. Before anything we had to get seeds. Today my mom brought me a magazine called "Farmer seed and Nursery." We looked through it and made a nice list of things that we wanted to plant. Once we had the list we were able to talk about how we were going to plant our new kids. This is what we decided....

Sweet Bell Peppers
Detroit Dark Red Beets
Butternut Crunch lettuce
Tendersweet Carrot
Straight 8 Cucumbers
California Wonder Pepper
German Gian Radish
Bloomsdale Spinach
Crimson Sweet Watermelon
Burpee Stringless Green Bean
Early Alaska Pea
Beef Steak Tomatoes
Farmer's Monster Tomatoes
Howden Pumpkin
Biblical Fig Tree
Hanging Strawberries
Sweet Basil
Gourmet Lettuce Blend
Sunny Boy Tomatoes

We are so excited to be doing this. Not too sure how or where we are going to fit all of this stuff in, but knowing my mom and I, nothing will stop us.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I am creating this blog in order to share my urban gardening experience with all of my friends, family and all who are interested . I also would like feed back and certainly stories and tips for gardening of this nature.

A little history...

I am a 23 year old graduate, with a music education degree and a passion for fresh produce. I am a vegetarian that is infinitely tired of eating shopping center produce. I have been a new comer to the farmer market scene and questioned why was it I couldn't have my own garden with my own food. The crazy idea really started in the summer of 2008. my mother and I decided to pull all of our house plants to the back porch and enjoy a small, private, jungle oasis. We enjoyed it so much that we decided to do the same thing in 2009. We not only had the house plants but also gave home to a few vegetables. We had Basil, Cucumbers, Tomatoes and Dill. We supplied the rest of our diet with the local farmers markets that year.
Unlike 2009, this year was a little bit different. We took our gardening experience to the next level.